职业规划工具 & 教训


Whether you 是 looking to help your students begin their c是er exploration journey for the first time, or 是 looking to help them refine their skill sets in preparation for that not-too-distant job search, this page will provide you with many tools you can use to assist them. 下面, you will find downloadable documents, links to lesson plans 和 videos as well as other resources for c是er planning 和 development.

密歇根州的形象2018年12月, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has provided a 职业生涯 Development Model (MI CDM) designed to provide all K-12 students in the Michigan educational system with the necessary knowledge 和 skills for success in a c是er of their choice 和 lifelong learning.  This guidance is designed to provide the targets for implementing the MI CDM.  The MDE recommends districts utilize their school improvement team to implement this model.   的副本下载 密歇根职业发展模式 在这里. 

学习 about yourself, explore your options, plan your next steps, assess your fit


When looking to assess 和 develop the c是er readiness of your students, one of the first places to begin is by reviewing the 飞跃进入职业准备阶段 讲义. 飞跃 is an acronym that st和s for LEARN about yourself, 探索你的选择, ASSESS your "fit" 和 PLAN your next steps.

Walk through these questions with your students, or have them go through the document independently as a self-reflection. 完成后,再进行一遍 飞跃行动项目 & 资源 follow-up tool to begin exploring resources to help answer the questions 和 provide actionable steps.


两者都是飞跃教育发展计划ocuments above call out the integral part that a well developed EDP plays in the c是er-planning process. Is your school using an EDP vendor? 如果有,是哪一个: 职业生涯巡航, Naviance 或另一个? (甚至还有一个免费的 Overgrad - your students can use if your school doesn’t currently support one).

Did you know your students can access the tool 24-7 with their login/password? Are you encouraging them to use it? Are you integrating it into your curriculum, or 是 you simply having them go into it once a year to fill it out quickly?

From high school course planning to continuing education assistance 和 application to c是er exploration, 许多电子数据处理供应商提供所有这些功能. 你自己查过吗? 如果不是, click on the vendor links above to comp是 the features of each tool, 或点击下面的链接 video webinars with each of the vendors, conducted specifically for uedbet官网ISD schools.

Image of laptop with a file cabinet drawer 和 colorful files coming out of the screen我们还编制了一份电子数据报告 资源文件夹 with valuable documents to save you time 和 energy 和 to answer questions you might have. If you have any questions regarding any of the information contained in this 资源文件夹, or if you have any resources or files that you would like to sh是 with other educators in Kent County, please contact us at c是erreadiness@baokaob363.com.


As students approach their final years of school, many 是 in the process of preparing for the world of work, both in the short-term 和 as a c是er. How can you best prep是 them to get the job?

Whether you already have a curriculum that includes job-planning lessons but simply want more resources, or you 是 a beginner looking for way integrate it into your current content, click the links below for free lessons you can use:

Want MORE resources for finding 和 getting the job you want? 查看这些资源 快递就业专业人员.

Soft Skills 和 their importance to your c是er


An overwhelming majority of employers believe that soft skills 是 just as important as hard skills. 然而,, 由于几个因素, attention to soft skills have significantly diminished in K12 education.

即使他们 教, the connection between them 和 their importance in a student's future c是er (including job interviews) is often not made. 下面 是 links to lesson plans for several of the top soft skills employers 是 looking for from their employees. But don't just speak about them, help students in their ability to underst和, articulate demonstrate the value these skills bring to a job.

  • 7 11月
    • 23-24大学预科系列 上午8时至9时30分
      日期: 11月7日
      时间: 上午8时至9时30分
      日历: 职业生涯 Readiness Event Calendar - CURRENT
      主题: Current State of College/University Enrollment Management: Connect with current admissions officers to discuss the latest changes in national, 州和地方惯例, 政策, 和 laws impacting entry into higher education.

      教育家PD 1.5 SCECHs
  • 8 11月
    • 职业生涯聊天 下午3点半到4点
      日期: 11月8日
      时间: 下午3点半到4点
      日历: 职业生涯 Readiness Event Calendar - CURRENT
  • 14 11月
    • 讲座及参观 晚上6时至8时
      日期: 11月14日
      时间: 晚上6时至8时
      日历: 职业生涯 Readiness Event Calendar - CURRENT
      位置/雇主: Orthopaedic Associates of Michigan 

  • 15 11月
  • 16 11月
    • 职业生涯聊天 下午3点半到4点
      日期: 11月16日
      时间: 下午3点半到4点
      日历: 职业生涯 Readiness Event Calendar - CURRENT